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I am interested in re-signifying pre-existing elements of traditional Colombian music by studying and re-elaborating them while focusing especially in both texture and timbre. Throughout the years, my aesthetic explorations and the end-resulting compositions have focused on migrating different sounds from their usual contexts into new ones, finding -through said journeys- a contemplation of different spirits and meanings.

In process

I am currently working on a variety of pieces - each one of them very different in character and serving different artistic and aesthetic explorations by different artists. I am always glad to be brought out of my comfort zone although I cannot deny how wonderful it is to work collaboratively in a project that vibrates deeply with my own personal musical explorations.

Cánticos del azar

Canticles of Chance (in process)

For the saxophone quartet SIGMA Project
Commissioned by Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo for the celebration of
the theater’s 15 years. Stay tuned!

Serenata Pagana

Pagan Serenade (in process)

For solo violin
Commissioned by Secretaría de Cultura, Recreación y Deporte
For the First Violin International Competition Ciudad de Bogotá

Link to the contest information Stay tuned!

Entre las sombras

Among the shadows (in process)

For solo piano

Commissioned by David Greilsammer
Stay tuned!

Solo piano

I began my music studies by studying piano performance. That is why I have a special relationship with writing for this instrument. I love navigating the thickness of its low register’s strikes and resonances, in contrast with the crystalline and glacial landscapes of its high register. In some of my works I have combined my appreciation for the sound of the marimba de chonta from Guapi with the enormous possibilities that the piano, this magnificent European-built artifact allows for; I guess some of my pieces embody the symphonic versus the jungle piano duality.


Mazurka (2022)

For solo piano

Commissioned by Anna Kijanowska for the Mazurka 21 project

Premiered by Kirill Zvegintsov at the festival “Las Noches” in Zürich on October 12, 2024.

De adoración y espanto

Of Adoration and Fright (2020)

Commissioned by Yael Weiss for 32 Bright Clouds

Premiered by Yael Weiss at Bargemusic, NY (USA) on October 7, 2022.

Reflejos de Aquarius

Reflections of Aquarius (2020)

Commissioned by CCMC and Johann Hasler

Not yet performed.  Stay tuned!

Danzas fugitivas

Fugitive Dances (2020)

Commissioned by Mauricio Arias-Esguerra

Premiered by Mauricio Arias-Esguerra on February 3, 2021

at Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo (Bogotá)

​Appears in ¡Colombia Viva! Volume Two (Mauricio Arias-Esguerra, Toccata Next)


Myoclonus (2000)

Premiered by Karol Bermúdez on May 2003

at Auditorio Teresa Cuervo - National Museum (Bogotá)

Other solo works

All the solo works I have written have been commissions that have allowed me to work directly with the performers who were in charge of premiering them. This way of working allows for a fluid, constant and very intense communication between me and the performer. I love the intimacy and exploration that can be achieved while working this way. I am very proud of the final result with all of them.

Arullos siderales

Sidereal Lullabies (2024)

For solo harp

Commissioned by Elisabeth Plank

Premiered by Elisabeth Plank on July 3, 2024 at Centro Cultural de Ibagué, as part of the arpist concert tour arround Colombia, with the support of La Red Cultural del Banco de la República. 

Revelaciones suspendidas

Suspended Revelations (2023)

For prepared violin

Premiered at the CERCA Series by Juan Carlos Higuita 
Auditorium Jorge Lozano, Bogotá – Colombia in November 2023.
It is included in the album “Revelaciones femeninas”, under the label Bogotana Records, with the participation of FMMN Festival Mujeres en la Música Nueva.

Listen in here

Caen niñas de papel de variados colores

Multi-Colored Paper Girls are Falling (2023)

For solo organ

Written by invitation of Marcela Zorro

Commissioned by Universidad de los Andes

Not yet premiered. Stay tuned!

Canto interior

Inner Singing (2022)

For solo oboe

Written by invitation of José Luis Urquieta

Premiered by José Luis Urquieta on October 30, 2022 at Det Gamle Rådhus i Nørresundby (Denmark) as part of The New Latin American Oboe project, organized by Snow Mask Composers’ Group.

Canto del ave negra

Song of the Black Bird (2017)

For solo accordion

Written by invitation of Jorge García

Premiered by Eva Zöllner on August 5, 2017 at Aula Múltiple, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá)

Appears in Voces, señales (Eva Zöllner, Genuin)

El doble del doble

Double the double (2015)

For solo violin

Commissioned by Roberto Alonso Trillo for the ...Bach... project

Not yet premiered. Stay tuned!

Latidos de lo oscuro

Darkbeats (2015)

For solo harp

Written for Maria Clara Alarcón

Premiered by Maria Clara Alarcón on June 10, 2016

at Auditorio Teresa Cuervo - National Museum (Bogotá)

Chirimías metálicas

Metallic chirmías (2009)

For solo flute

Written by invitation of Shanna Pranaitis

Premiered on August 4, 2009

at Auditorio Pablo VI of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá)

Elegía errante

Drifting Elegy (2008, rev 2009)

For solo viola

Written by invitation of Alfonso Noriega

Premiered by Rose Redgrave on December 15, 2009

at the Old Joint Stock Pub and Theatre.

Revised version premiered by Garth Knox on February 8, 2010

at the Frontiers Series of the Birmingham Conservatoire (Birmingham, UK)

String quartets, string trio, and piano quartet

I am fascinated by the family of bowed string instruments. In many of my works for string ensembles, I have borrowed Berio’s idea of ‘translation’ to imagine instruments of the Colombian Pacific Coast, especially the marimba de chonta, by using explosive pizzicati and rustic col legno strikes. Also, I have become quite passionate of the sonorities I have discovered by exploring the relationship between bowed-string instruments of popular rural traditions and bowed-string instruments of the Western symphonic tradition.

Hex-agonías, Seis piezas para cuarteto de cuerdas, cuarteto de cuerdas no. 6

Hex-agonías, string quartet no. 6 (2024)

For String Quartet

Written by invitation of Cuarteto Q-Arte

Winner of the 2024 Colombian Ministry of Culture's creation grant

Premiered by Cuarteto Q-Arte on December 1, 2024

at Aula Múltiple – Facultad de Artes, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá)

Éxodo celeste - tierra negra, cuarteto de cuerdas no. 5

Heavenly Exodus - Black Earth, string quartet no. 5 (2023)

For String Quartet

Written by invitation of Cuarteto Q-Arte

Commissioned by the Research Vice-rectory of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Not yet premiered. Stay tuned!

Recorded by Cuarteto Imprevisto in 2023. Listen here

Cantos introspectivos, cuarteto de cuerdas no. 4

Introspective Chants, string quartet no. 4 (2021)

For String Quartet

Commissioned by the Embassy of Colombia in Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Premiered by the Latin American String Quartet on November 24, 2021
at the Composers Series at 
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Appears on Cantos Introspectivos  (Sonidos y sentidos, 2024)

Listen in here

Noche de reyes sin corona, cuarteto de cuerdas no. 3

Night of Crownless Kings, string quartet no. 3 (2018)

For String Quartet

Commissioned by Banco de la República de Colombia

Premiered by Quatuor Diotima on March 6, 2019

at Sala de conciertos - Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango (Bogotá)

Appears on Compositores de nuestro tiempo Vol. 4 (Banco de la República, 2019)

Cuarteto palenquero, cuarteto de cuerdas no. 2

Palenquero Quartet, string quartet no. 2 (2010)

For String Quartet

Premiered by Cuarteto Manolov on October 23, 2020

at Auditorio Fabio Lozano (Bogotá)

Appears on Formas de recuerdos sin territorio (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2016)

Pedazos de chonta

Pieces of Chonta (2008)

For piano quartet

Premiered by the Schubert Ensemble on February 2009

at the Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall (Birmingham, UK)


Hypotenuse (2007)

For string trio

Premiered by Cuarteto Manolov on June 4, 2016

at the Aula Múltiple of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana's Arts School (Bogotá)

Quattuor verba, cuarteto de cuerdas no. 1

Quattuor verba, string quartet no. 1 (2006)

For String Quartet

Premiered by Cuarteto Manolov on September 11, 2009

at Sala de conciertos - Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango (Bogotá)


The contrapuntal dialogues that can be created within a duet have no parallel. I really like the flirtatiousness and mutual support that one can establish within this format, as well as the fluid nature of the role that each instrument can have throughout the piece.

Canto para dormir

Song for sleeping (2021)

For soprano and piano

Written by invitation of Carolina Plata and Luis Gabriel Mesa

Premiered on June 30, 2023 at the 19 Barcelona Festival of Song (Spain).

Appears in Muysca (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)

Otros pedazos de chonta

Other Pieces of Chonta (2016)

For piano four hands

Written by invitation Kondraschewa / Chica Duo

Premiered by Kondraschewa / Chica Duo on May 11, 2016 at Teatro Colón (Bogotá)


Furies (2011)

For violin and piano

Premiered by Mary Dullea and Darragh Morgan on May 16, 2011

at the Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall (Birmingham, UK)

Score for sale available here


Máscaras (2009)

For mezzo-soprano and clarinet in Bb

Based on Masks by Oz Hardwick

Commissioned by Leeds + Lieder 2009 / Leeds College of Music

Premiered by Helena Raeburn (mezzo) and Benjamin Graves (Bb cl.) on October 3, 2009

at The Venue, Leeds College of Music (Leeds, UK) during the 2009 edition of LEEDS Lieder


Mechanisms (2003)

For cello and piano

Premiered on May 25, 2003 by Mintcho Badev and Karol Bermúdez

at Auditorio Teresa Cuervo - National Museum (Bogotá)

Other chamber works

I love writing meticulously, intimately, in a personal manner and in an elaborate way. I enjoy bringing the small particularities of sound under the limelight so that they can stop being something ornamental or involuntary and, rather, become the main avenue of the musical discourse and of my writing. I have found that I can enjoy doing this not only by writing for small ensembles but also even for a sinfonietta.

Gritos de fuego, patrias de papel

Cries of fire, paper countries (2024)

For ensemble (fl. 1-2, ob., cl., bn., hn., pno., pc., vl., vla., vcl., db.)

Written by invitation of Gabriela Ortiz

Commissioned by Carnegie Hall.

The World Premiere will be given by Ensemble Connect in the Resnick Education Wing, Carnegie Hall, New York City on January 27, 2025. Stay tuned!

Amores flotantes

Floating Loves (2024)

For guitar trio
Commissioned by Trip Trip Trip
Premiered by Trip Trip Trip on September 29, 2024 in Mambo Filarmónico 2024
series at Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (Colombia).

Watch in here

Cántico azur y una nana sibilina

Azure Song and a Sibylline Lullaby (2024)

For quartet (sax, e. guitar, perc., synth.)

Commissioned by SOYUZ21Ensemble

Premiered by SOYUZ 21 on February 3, 2024 in “Locura por el deshielo” series

At Auditorio Jorge Lozano, Bogotá – Colombia.

El silencio al rojo rueda como un sol

Red-hot silence rolls like a sun (2023)

For saxophone quartet

Commissioned by SIGMA Project and the Festival de Música Sacra de Bogotá.

Premiered by SIGMA at Auditorio Fabio Lozano on October 2, 2023 as part of the programming of Festival Sacro de Bogotá de 2023.

Lo abierto

What is Open (2022)

For bassoon and two percussionists

Written by invitation of Lía Uribe

Commissioned by SoNA

It was premiered by Lía Uribe (bassoon), Matt Brusca (percussion), and Fernando Valencia (percussion), at SoNA Beyond, presenting "Latin Traces". Curated by Fernando Valencia, exploring the cultural elements that shape “Latin American sound.

Springdale, AR (United States)


Loss (2022)

For clarinets and accordion

Written for the Zöllner-Roche Duo and CCMC, with funding from the Goethe Institut

Premiered by the Zöllner-Roche Duo on November 12, 2022

at Auditorio Fabio Lozano (Bogotá)

Ferocious: Contorting Femininities

Feroz: femineidades contorsionantes (2021)

For sinfonietta

Commissioned by Donaueschinger Musiktage
Written for Klangforum Wien
Premiered on October 15, 2021

at the Große Sporthalle of the Realschule Donaueschingen (Donaueschingen, Germany)


Delivery (2019)

For mezzo-soprano, doublebass, lighting and image projection

Based on the book 'Esta que (no) soy' by Clara López Colmano

Commissioned by Dúo Botero/Delgado

Premiered by Dúo Botero/Delgado on November 19, 2020

at Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo (Bogotá)

El brujo

The Warlock (2017)

For brass quintet and percussion

Premiered by Cuprum Ensamble on September 12, 2018
at the Aula Múltiple of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana's Gerardo Arango building (Bogotá)

Fiestas de Pubenza

Feasts of Pubenza (2013)

For quintet (fl., cl., pno., vla., vclo.)

Premiered by Rafael Rodríguez (fl), Jose Gómez (cl), David Merchán (vla), Mintcho Badev (vcl), Juan Carlos de la Pava (pno) and Luis Guillermo Vicaría (conductor) on June 4, 2016

at the Aula Múltiple of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana's Arts School (Bogotá)


Desorbits (2013)

For two pianos y two percussion sets

Written by invitation of Yarn/Wire

Premiered by Als Eco on June 4, 2016

at the Aula Múltiple of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana's Arts School (Bogotá)

Giros y rostros

Turns and faces (2010) 

For four instruments (bass cl., db., vla., vcl.)

Written for an exchange project between

the Royal College of Music of Stockholm and the Birmingham Conservatoire.

Premiered by Jack McNeill (bass cl.), Sebastiano Dessanay (db.), Sofia Lundström (vla.),

Daniel Tengberg (vcl.) and Joe Cutler (conductor) in February, 2011

during the Frontiers Series at the Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall (Birmingham, UK)

My lonely Cumbia

Mi cumbia solitaria (2009)

For small ensemble (fl., cl., pc., pno., vl., vclo.)

Premiered by The Curious Chamber Players conducted by Rei Munakata

on November 30, 2009 during the Frontiers Series at the

Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall (Birmingham, UK)


Nocturne (2009)

For ensemble (fl., ob., cl., bn., hn., pc., vl. 1-2, vla., vcl.)

Premiered by Orchestra of the Swan, conducted by David Curtis on June 18, 2009
at the Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall (Birmingham, UK)


Dawn (2007)

For ensemble (cl., bn., tpt., tbn., vl., db., perc. 1 y 2)

Premiered by Ensamble deciBelio conducted by Patricia Vanegas

in 2007 at Auditorio Pablo VI of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá)


Mass (2007)

For baritone, percussion and live electronics

Written by invitation of Chi-Hoe Mak

Premiered on Junio 5, 2007 by Chi-Hoe Mak (bar.), Wei-Hsin Cheng (perc.),

and Carolina Noguera and Lamberto Coccioli (elec.) during the Frontiers Series

at the Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall (Birmingham, UK)

En luz y sombra: disertaciones para tuba y ensamble

In Light and Shadow: dissertations for tuba and ensemble (2006)

For tuba and ensemble (tb., bass cl., perc., db.)

Premiered by Jorge Quinteros (tb), Miller Yate Martínez (bass cl), Rafael Ochoa (perc) and Ángela Contreras (db) conducted by Rafael Zambrano on October 28, 2007

at Auditorio León de Greiff - Universidad Nacional (Bogotá)

Orchestra, band and vocal ensemble

This is a broad category! However… the symphony orchestra is one of the best machines I know. Its massive murmurs and its potent rants blow my head. Although I have not worked much with vocal ensembles, the ‘choral vibration’ presents an immersive, colorful, mystic experience, full of delicate yet potent visceral textures that expose the beauty and fragility of human nature. On the other hand, working with bands has helped me shape and experiment with the spontaneity of popular music and the premeditation and circumspection of written music. Bands have a vigorous, intense and penetrating sound from which an impetuous vitality can always be distilled.

Sueños de manglares rojos

Dreams of red mangroves (2023)

For string orchestra

Commissioned by Vector de Ideas.

Premiered by the CLEO Classical Laguna Experience Orchestra, conducted by David González 

at Teatro Municipal in Tenerife, Spain, on October 30, 2023.


Love (2022)

For vocal ensemble (SATB), string quintet and two percussions

Financed by the research vice-rectory (vice-chancellory) of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Premiered by Coro de Cámara de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana conducted by Ana Paulina Álvarez, Fredy Leonardo Romero (violin), José Luis Martínez (violin), Carlos Parra (viola), Maria Fernanda Flórez (cello), Óscar Charry (double bass), Jeisson Marín and Eduardo Caicedo (percussion) on May 17, 2022
Auditorio Fabio Lozano, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotá (Colombia)

Autumn Whisperings

Susurros de otoño (2010)

For orchestra

Premiered by the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire's Symphony orchestra

conducted by Edwin Roxbourgh on March 18, 2011

during the Frontiers Series at the Birmingham Conservatoire Recital Hall (Birmingham, UK)

Tres suites para banda

Three Band Suites (2005)

For symphonic band

Winner of the 2005 Colombian Ministry of Culture's creation grant

Suite No. 1 premiered by the Symphonic Band of Colegio INEM Jorge Isaacs (Cali) conducted
by Germán Hoyos on April 13, 2006 at an open-air concert in Barrio San Antonio (Cali)

Suite No. 2 premiered by the Tocancipá Symphonic Band conducted by Germán Hernández
on August 21, 2008 during the Villeta Band Competition in (Villeta)

Suite No. 3 premiered by the Valle Symphonic Band conducted by Esteban Rojas
on November 13, 2006 at Beethoven Hall during the Cali Contemporary Music Festival (Cali)

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